Medi-Cal/DHCS Emergency Enrollment
Attestation |
I understand that approval of my application
is dependent upon the treatment that I
provided to a Medi-Cal beneficiary who has
been affected by the COVID-19 national
public health emergency. By submitting this
application I acknowledge that this
attestation is incorporated into my
application by reference. |
Attested to on 15 of 3, 2025.
By: Click here to sign
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Professional/General Liability Insurance
Has any medical malpractice judgment ever been entered against you, or have you ever been named or the subject of allegations, in any professional liability case(s)/arbitrations?
Has any settlement been made in any professional liability case in which you or your insurance carrier had to or agreed to make a monetary payment?
Are you aware of any liability cases currently pending/under investigation against you?
Has any policy been canceled, or has any professional liability insurer refused to renew your policy or placed limitations on the scope of your coverage?
Please note that members of this Healthcare Organization shall report to this Healthcare Organization the disposition (including settlement) and/or final
judgment in professional liability cases in which they are involved, within thirty (30) days of disposition and/or final
Physical and Mental Health
Do you currently have, or have you had, a problem within the past 2 years associated with the use, misuse, or dependency of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances of any kind (whether obtained by prescription or otherwise), including but not limited to taking a leave of absence from a health care organization, or your membership, privileges, participation or affiliation with any healthcare organization has been terminated, suspended, or restricted? If yes, on a separate sheet please give a full explanation, including, without limitation, frequency and amount of use, the time period in which you engaged in such use, and the date last used.
Do you have any reason you cannot safely perform all the essential mental and physical functions related to the specific clinical privileges you are requesting or required by your agreement with the medical staff bylaws of the Healthcare Organization to which you are applying, with or without reasonable accommodation, according to accepted standards of professional performance, and without posing a significant health and safety risk to others? If yes, on a separate sheet, please describe the essential function(s) and state the reason why you may not be able to safely perform it.
Disciplinary and/or Voluntary actions: Voluntarily *** or involuntarily, have any of the following ever been, or are currently being, denied, revoked, suspended, relinquished, withdrawn, reduced, limited, placed on probation, not renewed, or currently pending/under investigation?
Clinical license in any jurisdiction;
Other professional registration/license;
DEA Certificate of registration or any applicable narcotic registration in any jurisdiction;
Academic appointment, faculty position or trainee/student status in any training/clinical education program;
Membership on any hospital medical staff;
Clinical privileges, prerogatives/rights on any medical staff;
Board Certification, including but not limited to change in board eligibility, certification or recertification status, other than changes from eligible to certified;
Any other type of professional sanction;
Have you been subject to any disciplinary action in any health care organization, professional organization or medical society, or is any such action pending;
Has any monitoring requirement been imposed; Have you ever been subject to any monitoring (other than routine monitoring for newly granted privileges) requirements by a health care organization;
Have you resigned or taken a leave of absence in order to avoid possible revocation, suspension, or reduction of privileges at any hospital or institution;
Have you ever been arrested, charged, indicted, or convicted (including any pleas of guilty or nolo contendre) of any crime other than a minor traffic violation(s);
*** For the purposes of answering these questions, a “Voluntary” termination is considered a disciplinary action when the relinquishment is done to avoid an adverse action, preclude an investigation, or is done while the licensee is under investigation related to professional conduct. You do not need to report resignations for reasons of relocation or change of activity.
Compliance with Laws Related to Patient Care
Are there any pending or completed administrative agency, government, or court cases, decisions or judgments involving allegations that you failed to comply with laws, statutes, regulations, or other legal requirements that may be applicable to the practice of your profession or to your rendition of service to patients;
Are there any prior or pending governmental agency (including but not limited to DOJ, OIG, etc.) or third party payer investigations or proceedings, investigations or litigation challenging or sanctioning you (including any fines, suspensions, probationary conditions, restrictions or exclusions), or have you voluntarily or involuntarily relinquished eligibility to provide services, for reasons relating to possible incompetence or improper professional conduct including your patient admission, treatment, discharge, charging, collection, or utilization practices, including, but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other public health financing program fraud and abuse proceedings or convictions?
By my signature below, I acknowledge and agree that I will promptly and fully report all information to the Medical Staff Office of each Healthcare Organization to which I am applying in the event any of the answers above change, or if any situation arises which affects my ability to treat patients, after I have signed and dated this form, while my application is pending, and, if I am granted membership and/or clinical privileges, while I maintain membership and/or clinical privileges.
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I fully understand that any significant omissions, misstatements or misrepresentations in this application, or during the application process, constitute cause for denial of this application, or for termination or suspension of my membership and/or clinical privileges at this healthcare organization. I affirm that the information submitted in or appended to this application is complete, true and current to the best of my knowledge and belief and is furnished in good faith. In making this application for appointment to this Healthcare Organization, I acknowledge that I have received the pertinent Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and policies and procedures (herein "Bylaws"): http://www.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/medstaffoffice/MedStaffBylawsRulesRegs.htm Further, I agree to be bound by the terms thereof and to uphold the Bylaws if I am granted membership, employment or participation (herein "membership"), and/or clinical privileges. I further agree to be bound by the terms of the Bylaws without regard to whether or not I am granted membership and/or clinical privileges in all matters relating to the consideration of my application for appointment to this Healthcare Organization. I further agree to comply with all applicable federal laws and laws of the State of California, as well as government regulations, in addition to specific department and/or service rules and regulations.
I signify my willingness to appear for interviews in regard to this application, and I authorize this Healthcare Organization and its/their representatives to consult with representatives of other healthcare organizations with which I have been affiliated (e.g., hospital medical staffs, medical groups, IPAs, HMOs, PPOs, other health delivery systems or entities, medical societies, professional associations, medical school faculties, training programs, professional liability insurance companies (with respect to certification of coverage and claims history), licensing authorities, and businesses and individuals acting as their agents (collectively, "other Healthcare Organizations"), and with others who may have information bearing on my competence, character, and ethical qualifications. I authorize and direct persons so consulted to provide such information to this Healthcare Organization. I understand that letters of recommendation concerning me are to be written and maintained in confidence, and I waive any rights I might have to access to such letters.
I agree to notify the Medical Staff Office of each Healthcare Organization to which I am applying in writing within five (5) days of receiving any written or oral notice of any adverse action by the Medical Board of California, whether taken or pending; any adverse action taken by any other Healthcare Organization which has resulted in the filing of an 805 Report with the Medical Board of California or a report with the National Practitioner Data Bank; any revocation of DEA certificate or pending action; any restrictions and/or any pending actions on my membership and/or clinical privileges with any other Healthcare Organizations; a conviction of any felony or a misdemeanor of moral turpitude; any action or pending action against any certification under the Medicare or Medicaid programs; or any cancellation, non-renewal or material reduction in my professional liability insurance coverage.
I hereby further consent to the disclosure, inspection and copying of information in my Credentials file by and between this Healthcare Organization and its/their representatives and other Healthcare Organizations and its/their representatives, or other persons or entities who, in the opinion of the this Healthcare Organization and its/their representatives, have a legitimate need for such information (e.g. health plan delegated credentialing agreements). I authorize and consent to the release by and between this Healthcare Organization and other Healthcare Organizations and their representatives, of all records and documents, including medical records, that may be material to an evaluation of my professional qualifications and competence for membership and/or clinical privileges herein requested, as well as my physical and mental health, and moral and ethical qualifications for membership and/or clinical privileges. I also consent to the sharing of credentialing, quality assessment and peer review information among all UCSF Medical Center organizations, including LPPH&C and UCSF Medical Group, to which I hereby apply or where I already hold membership and/or clinical privileges. I understand that this may include sharing information received by any of them during this application process and during any corrective action procedures, including formal disciplinary hearings. I hereby release from liability UCSF Medical Center, this Healthcare Organization and other Healthcare Organizations, and their officers, directors, employees, liaisons, agents and representatives, including medical staff members, for their acts performed in good faith and without malice in connection with evaluating my application and my credentials and qualifications, and I hereby release from any liability any and all individuals and other Healthcare Organizations who provide information to or share information with this Healthcare Organization, in good faith and without malice, concerning my professional competence, ethics, character and other qualifications for membership and/or clinical privileges.
I understand and agree that I, as an applicant for membership and/or clinical privileges, have the burden of producing adequate information for proper evaluation of my professional competence, character, ethics and other qualifications and for resolving any doubts about such qualifications.
By my signature below, I acknowledge and agree that I will promptly and fully report all information to the Medical Staff Office of each Healthcare Organization to which I am applying in the event any information contained herein changes, or if any situation arises which affects my ability to treat patients, after I have signed and dated this form, while my application is pending, and, if I am granted membership and/or clinical privileges, while I maintain membership and/or clinical privileges.
I am familiar with the principles and standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and/or the National Committee for Quality Assurance that apply to me. In accordance with them and the Bylaws of this Healthcare Organization, I promise to provide patients with continuous care that meets the professional standards established by this Healthcare Organization. I pledge to adhere to the ethical standards of my profession. In addition, I specifically pledge to refrain from fee splitting and from providing ghost surgical or medical services. I agree to respect and maintain the confidentiality of all discussions and records generated in connection with peer review and quality assurance activities conducted by the committees of this Healthcare Organization involved in the evaluation and improvement of the quality of patient care. I agree to make no voluntary disclosure of such information except to persons authorized to receive it. I understand that this Healthcare Organization is/are entitled to undertake such action as is deemed appropriate to ensure that this confidentiality is maintained, including application to a court for relief. I further understand that violation by me of this agreement could subject me to corrective action, up to and including summary termination or suspension.
Medicare/TRICARE Notice to Physicians: Medicare/TRICARE payment to hospitals is based in part on each patient's principal and secondary diagnoses and the major procedures performed on the patient, as attested to by the patient's attending physician by virtue of his or her signature in the medical record. Anyone who misrepresents, falsifies, or conceals essential information required for payment of Federal funds may be subject to fine, imprisonment, or civil penalty under applicable Federal laws.
By my signature below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by all of the above information, including the Medicare Notice:
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University of California San Francisco
Confidentiality of Patient, Employee and University Business Information Agreement
University Privacy Policy and Acknowledgement of Responsibility
I understand and acknowledge that:
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It is my legal and ethical responsibility as an authorized user to preserve and protect the privacy, confidentiality and security of all confidential information relating to UCSF, its patients, activities and affiliates, in accordance with applicable laws and University policy.
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I will access, use or disclose confidential information only in the performance of my University duties, when required or permitted by law, and disclose information only to persons who have the right to receive that information. When using or disclosing confidential information, I will use or disclose only the minimum information necessary.
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I will discuss confidential information for University-related purposes only. I will not knowingly discuss any confidential information within hearing distance of other persons who do not have the right to receive the information. I will protect confidential information which is disclosed to me in the course of my relationship with UCSF.
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Special legal protections apply to and require specific authorization for release of mental health records, drug abuse records, and any and all references to HIV testing, such as clinical tests, laboratory or others used to identify HIV, a component of HIV, or antibodies or antigens to HIV. I will obtain such authorization for release when appropriate.
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My access to all University electronic information systems is subject to monitoring and audits in accordance with University policy.
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My User ID(s) constitutes my signature and I will be responsible for all entries made under my User ID(s). I agree to always log off of shared workstations.
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It is my responsibility to follow safe computing guidelines.
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I will only use encrypted computing devices (whether personal or UCSF-owned), such as desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, mobile phones and external storage,
for any UCSF work purpose, including but not limited to, clinical care, quality reviews, research and educational presentations/conferences. Encryption must be a UCSF-approved solution.
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I may be personally responsible for any breach of confidentiality resulting from an unauthorized access to data on an unencrypted device due to theft, loss or any other compromise. I will contact the UCSF IT Service Desk at (415) 514-4100 for questions about encrypting my computing device.
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I will not share my Login or User ID and/or password with any other person. If I believe someone else has used my Login or User ID and/or password, I will immediately report the use to the UCSF IT Service Desk at (415) 514-4100 and request a new password.
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Under state and federal laws and regulations governing a patient’s right to privacy, unlawful or unauthorized access to or use or disclosure of patients’ confidential information may subject me to disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination from my employment/professional relationship with UCSF, civil fines for which I may be personally responsible, as well as criminal sanctions.
I attest that all of my personal computing devices used for any UCSF work purpose are ENCRYPTED.
I will not use an unencrypted computing device for UCSF work purposes.
I have read, understand, and acknowledge all of the above STATEMENTS OF UNIVERSITY PRIVACY POLICY and the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY.
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Office of Medical Affairs and Governance
Credentialing & Privileging | Health Plan Enrollment | Peer Review
CONFIDENTIAL: Protected by CA Evidence Codes 1156 & 1157
University of California San Francisco
Prevention, Detection, and Response to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Please respond either "yes" or "no" to each question. In case of any doubt, please respond affirmatively. If your response is "yes", please provide a detailed explanation of your response, including any explanatory or exculpatory information. An affirmative response to any of the following questions will not automatically result in your disqualification but will trigger individual review and assessment process during which you will receive notice and additional opportunity to respond in the event of a preliminary decision to deny your application. For the purposes of the following questions, sexual misconduct refers collectively to the commission of any act of sexual abuse, misconduct, or relations with a patient, client, or customer; or any other inappropriate contact or communication of a sexual nature.
1. |
Since the age of 18, has any allegations of sexual misconduct been substantiated against you through a formal investigation by any educational institution, employer, regulatory or law enforcement agency, or other organization or entity, or through any other administrative or judicial proceeding?
2. |
Are you now or, since the age of 18, have you been subject to any administrative or disciplinary action (e.g., no-contact order, investigatory leave, reprimand, probation, suspension), dismissal, or voluntary or involuntary separation from a post-secondary educational institution (college, university), medical staff, medical group, or employer related to allegations of sexual misconduct?
3. |
Has any health professional licensing authority subjected you to any administrative or disciplinary action (as described above) related to allegations or sexual misconduct?
4. |
Have you ever been arrested for, convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any criminal sexual misconduct offense or been named as a defendant, or found liable or otherwise responsible, in any civil action that alleged sexual misconduct?
5. |
Have you ever been required to be accompanied by a chaperone when examining, diagnosing, or treating patients as a result of an allegation of sexual misconduct made against you (answer “no” if chaperones were consistently present as a matter of institutional policy and not in response to a specific allegation against you)?
I certify that the information submitted is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
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